It’s summertime, the season where markets showcase their summer fruits. There’s plenty of choice.
If you spend the summer in France and enjoy buying fruit from the local market, make sure you know how to say watermelon, peach or blackcurrant in French!
Here is a list of the main summer fruits in English and in French:
apricot | un abricot |
almond | une amande |
avocado | un avocat |
clingstone nectarine | le brugnon |
blackcurrant | le cassis |
cherry | la cerise |
fig | la figue |
strawberry | la fraise |
raspberry | la framboise |
red currant | la groseille rouge |
white currant | la groseille blanche |
melon | le melon |
blackberry | la mûre |
bilberry – blueberry | la myrtille |
nectarine | la nectarine |
medlar | la nèfle |
watermelon | la pastèque |
peach | la pêche |
grape | le raisin |
pear | la poire |
plum | la prune |
For the French words, you can find the article un, le or une, la so you know whether they are masculine or feminine words.
Do you know other fruit names? Feel free to add them in the comment section below!
There you are! Now you can buy your favourite summer fruits in France! 🙂