The Language Nook – Le coin langues
“A language does not become fixed…” Victor Hugo
Cromwell is a play by Victor Hugo that was published in 1827. Its distinctive feature is that it is better...
The 7 days of the week
The seven days of the week are part of the vocabulary that is learnt at a very early stage when learning a...
Chaque or chacun, chacune: what is the difference?
The difference between chaque and chacun, chacune is not necessarily obvious if you are learning French as a...
Translating phrases such as “to be said, believed to, reported to” from English to French
Sentence constructions such as to be said to, to be believed to or to be reported to, followed by a verb, are...
Chez, à / au to say where you’re going
The doctor's, the baker's, the greengrocer's, the hairdresser's, the garage, the pharmacy... We all go there....
Sports verbs: play, go, do
What is your favourite sport? Tennis, sailing, karate? Do you know which verb you should use with it? Not sure?...
French spelling: demi & demie
If you have already stumbled over the spelling of demi and wondered if you should sometimes add a final e to...
2nd: Should you say “second“ or “deuxième”?
You want to say 2nd in French and you have learnt that you can say either second or deuxième. It is the only...
Is there a difference between “for example” and “for instance”?
If you are learning English, the chances are that you have already learnt these two phrases: for example and...