The Language Nook – Le coin langues

Vocabulary about the garden in English and in French

15 words to talk about your garden

by | 20 May 2018 | English-French Vocabulary


May is the month where the temperatures rise, flowers bloom and people enjoy spending time in their garden.

In this post, let’s learn some vocabulary about the garden. Maybe you already know how to say garden in French, but do you know the words for flowerbed or lawn in French? And do you understand the English words hedge and shed?

As usual in this blog category of English – French vocabulary, you will find the article le or un and la or une in front of the French words so you know whether they are masculine or feminine. Remember it is always a good idea to learn the article together with the noun. It is like learning a word that is only one syllable longer, and the bonus is that it is no extra effort for your brain to memorise it when you learn them together. 🙂

Here is a list of 15 words. Read them and then practice with the flashcards below. They are here to help you learn and review all the words. Do it several times if you like and see how it gets easier each time to get the full list right. 


garden le jardin
lawn la pelouse
flower la fleur
flowerbed un massif de fleurs
hedge la haie
pond un étang
tree un arbre
border la plate-bande
garden shed un abri de jardin, une cabane
vegetable garden, kitchen garden le potager, le jardin potager
fence la clôture
sunlounger, deckchair la chaise longue
bench le banc
parasol, garden umbrella le parasol
swing la balançoire


Also, no doubt there are numerous insects in your garden. You can find and learn the names of common insects here.




There you are! You now know a more words to talk about your garden in English and/or in French. Congratulations! 😉



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  1. Marianne

    Very nice to practice with the flashcards ! Thank you Yolaine

    • Yolaine Bodin

      Thank you Marianne. Flashcards are a way to help learn new vocabulary. I’m glad you like practicing with these flashcards. 🙂

  2. Ellen

    Absolutely love the flash cards !

    • Yolaine Bodin

      Thanks for your enthusiastic comment Ellen!


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