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meetings vocabulary

Meetings – 15 words you need in English and in French

by | 7 Apr 2019 | English-French Vocabulary


Meetings are one of the most common events in the workplace. We meet in our own offices or remotely, and an increasing number of meetings gather attendees from all over the world. That’s certainly why I am more and more often asked for the vocabulary about meetings in my English and my French classes.

Here is a list of the 15 words about meetings I’m most often asked for:


the meeting room la salle de réunion
the conference table la table de conférence
the flip chart le tableau à feuilles
the whiteboard le tableau blanc
a marker un feutre / un marqueur
an eraser un effaceur
a screen un écran
the remote control la télécommande
the projector le projecteur
attendees les participants
the speaker l’intervenant(e)
the minutes le compte-rendu
the agenda l’ordre du jour
introductions le tour de table, les présentations
to attend a meeting assister à une réunion


Let’s practice some of these words. Here are 10 words from the list you can study from:



There you are! You now know the basic vocabulary for meetings in English. Congratulations! 🙂


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